Planet's Mega Combat

Wow this is my 4th year attending! And that also means I have quit smoking for 4 years! Well done Jann! A pat on my own back. Maybe another good reason to go party! heeehhee... Reddot maybe.. hahahaa...
Yes, maybe it's true. Like what Shirin said, the excitement is kind of off already. Well after 4 years and in her case 5 years, that's quite understandable. But we got some pretty cool pictures before the combat. Check out Shirin's blog. She has it there. But that aside, i have to say i was totally pumped up right on the first track. Maybe being right in front of Rhomeiny helped. It was exhilarating. As usual this event always coinicide with NDP's rehearsal and we had the fly past right above us during combat. Great feelings. Seems so appropriate.
This time around none in our family got the lucky draw. For those who don't know, back in 2006 Alex got the 2nd prize and Daisy's the first prize (trip for 2 to Bali). Then in 2007, Bezner got the 1st prize -Cash $500! Hey, this year $800 did not come to us. Maybe next year.
Most of the photos are already in Shirin's blog, but here's some I took. .Look at the long queue, and this was only about 4pm.


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