Computer down! That's like the worst nightmare. This freaking machine just don't response. I have a name for my comp and that is FRED (f**king ridiculous electronic device).
Fred been freaky lately. Blinking at me for no reason... take forever to start up and then 2 days ago, he just called it a day and refuse to bulge. Honest, i coaxed him, talked to him and even give it a day off. Comatose. I even called in Doctor Raj to look into him. After some Cpr, Fred came around. But only for 1 day! Friday when i tried to resuscitate it, i failed*7&sob....&%=- Freaking Motherboard completely fried! Pacemaker also no use. Have to get a complete new one! Not that i know what that guy put in. But somehow, after 4hours, 500 buckaroos and a lot of keeping my fingers crossed, Fred is safe! Even got a new body now. .. Green to suit my room color. So spend the entire Sunday feeding Fred all the lost data.....
And just when my dear Fred is back in action, Bez's freddie is down with "fever" and has lost all communication with the outside world. Just spoken to Doc Prakash from SimLim Hospital, entire operation cost another $200!


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