My Chili Crab

After last Saturday's visit to RedDot, I was so inspired to cook Crab Linguine a la REdDot. Bought all the ingredients; but at the last minute, chicken out.
Instead, here's my Chili Crab, Singapore/Jann's style. The linguine - made my usual Aglio thingy but this time with chicken broth. And of course, just to be sure to make use of my new breadmaker, i made some pizza for the boys too.
Fresh red chilies, garlic, onion and not shown here, lemon grass and galangal
Not easy, but managed to "kill" the crab. I had to say a prayer after that.
TA daaaaa. My own concoction. Alex, who is not a usual crab fan, was happily digging in. Not bad for a first time. Thou i am still keen to try the linguine al la Crab :-)


shirin said…
Looks yummy You are SO FUNNY dear!

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