Sunday.. relaxing Sunday, everything so blissful. Got a late bfast, brunch, very late lunch. But that's fine cos it's worth waiting for when your sons cook for u. Sinful too but at least my conscious is clear cos i did run just now. Not too much but that's not my fault. It rain! And to compromise, I did my crunches, work on my resistance belt and did a few (hehehee, a few) push up.
And yes, amid all the distractions from Barn Buddy and Farmville, I did manage to go thru 2 Bazi analysis. Actually about to work on the 3rd one, but got distracted again. Hey its a Sunday afterall. So it's ok.
Braised a duck with a can of beer. This time around the duck is not too intoxicated. Only a can of beer. The last time I added 2 cans but realised that it just evaporates away so no point wasting my beer on that fowl. Keep it for meself! :p
With all the oil from that fat duck, I used to cook cabbage with black mushroom and wooden ear. This is epic! It is awesome. The flavor is top notch. Especially when it is cooked in the same wok after the duck. All the flavor absorb into the cabbage!
Now isn't this what life is all about? To be able to enjoy good food and good time with your love ones? Mummy is here. BOth my boys are here. Memories are created n store for eternity. This is it. What more are you asking for in life? This is something no amount of money can buy.
Wait, Bez Wes are probably going to say Money can buy calories loaded buffet at Marriott's hotel! Lolz... we will do that again when their dad come visit.
But meanwhile, this is what life is all about. Maybe it's the wine talking, but hey, really, I'm appreciative. I am proud being a single mum. I am proud that I have 2 very good boys. I am proud that I am able to spend all these quality time with my mum.
Now am I too greedy to ask for more? Am I too greedy to ask for just one more thing? Mum will leave me one day. Boys will grow up and have their own life one day. So where that leave me? Is it too much to ask for a soul mate? Oh soul mate soul mate, where are U?
Ok too emotional already. Tears are welling up. Let's lighten up.
Here's the duckie and veggie for tonite's dinner..


Rachael said…
Hmm...anyone spotting a trend here? First it was pork with vodka and wine. Now duck with beer. What next? Gin and tonic chicken?!
Maybe you could wow Mr Right with this amazing dish.

Seriously though: speed dating - do it NOW!
Jazz it Up said…
Gin & Tonic chicken sounds really tempting.. that's a thot!
shirin said…
LOL you funky lovable mummy. My adorable godmother....oh yeah it's the wine talking as you read further down towards the end of your post. Agree totally with your outlook on life. Life is a cycle, it is what you make it, most of the time and whatever happens just do what makes you happy cos if you don't live life to your fullest you may miss the chance to and somewhere amongst all this fun you never know when this special guy may come along x

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