What a small world. Yvonne brought me to her out law's pub, a little Scottish bar in Far East Shopping Center and I thought it would be great to bring Alvin n Shirin. What more, they have quiz nite on Wed! Chris Miller would love it. Well, guess what, it happen that they are friends of the owner too. Should have known, there's isn't a bunch of Scottish bar out there and my dear friends would probably smell them from miles.. especially one that serves mince and tatties on Sunday. What do I know, I am more familar with my chili n spuds.
Anyway, 1 bottle of red with 3 shots of Sambuca is not a good combination. In fact, it's lethal. Don't even know how I managed to get home. Had no recollection of how I got in the cab and directed the taxi driver to my house... But woke up in the middle of the nite to find myself in bed. Well at this point, the least say the better.
Sharon entertaining us with her smooth groove

Me, Yvonne and Sharon
I AM FAT! This photo here had motivated me to get back to my running.. ran twice within the past 3 days.. must keep it up :S
Oh yes, Yvonne, here's my own creation of vongole with linguini. ..really easy to prepare. Chopped up half an onion, some garlic and lightly saute with olive oil. Add the clams, saute for a bit before adding the chicken broth. Season with pepper n salt, cooking wine (white wine would be best but since I don't have any handy) and plenty of chili flakes. More so for drowning the hangover. And oh yes, meanwhile, cooked linguini al dente before adding to broth. Let it simmer for a while and that's it. I tell you I was perspiring like crazy when eating this and that's probably get rid of all the alcohol in the system.


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