Simple enjoyment for long weekend. And its not even quite the weekends yet! No spa retreats, no sea sports. Just stay home and chill. Talking about quality time. Bez cooked, (pity the maid), going for breakfast at Long John Silver and watching DVDs at home. 3 disks in one afternoon! Hmm, who says we will be bored! We even got Bez to wake up before 10am this morning, that's a great achievement!
Pesto pasta on the sideBeddar Cheddar topped with Chili Con Carne in a bun.... the thots of it is making my mouth watery now.

My banana cake and garlic toast for tea time


shirin said…
ymummmmmmy bez is an ace cook! i love his chilliconcarne so the beddar cheddar must be even better! i did almost the same as u on good fri! ate out for 1 meal, cooked the rest and ate snacks in between (instead of baking) but made a tea out of rose and red date things and bay leaf! hahhahhahaha
shirin said…
and oops forgot to add watched a couple of movies in a row while stuffing my face wit snacks

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