Fotos from yesteryear
I have set my screen saver on photo slides. And when u have over 18000 photos in the system, u are in for some very pleasant surprise. Look at these... I actually had to spend over an hour to locate these photos cos it is somewhere in the system! Gee look like I really must get a hard disk to store these photos and not risk losing them!
From the look of it, it must be Bez's birthday... how old I don't remember. Well he was wearing Anderson's t shirt. And Wesley was just being silly. Now I am not sure if the other one is Jared or Javon. Have to be Javon right? Isn't it Jared at the left corner? Help Daisy!
And it is this photo that appears on my screen that prompted me to search for the rest. Love this photo! Bez as usual, was gorging himself. .Look at Wes n Jared! hahahaa