
The wonder of technology. Facebook. They said it reveal too much. But hey thanks to Facebook, I have recently catch up with old friends from a different era! And it's really different era! My days in the US seems to be of another lifetime.
I found Edward Lee, my HongKong boy from San Antonio. This is the guy that came to our apartment at 3am, wanting us to go down to the carpark so that he can try out his new camera on our GTI. Yes, 3am. I think and I hope Ben still have the series of fotos that he took. I had it framed such that u first see some lights, than the next foto, the car coming in and then the tail lights. REally cool. Should have taken that from Ben when we split up. Hey, if you are reading this, is it too late to fight over it :-)
Oh all the silly and outrageous stuff we did with Edward and Teong Yew and not forgetting Ah Wah. Swimming in the middle of the nite. And mind you, we are talking fall (Texas's winter) about 45degrees F!
Then quite recently again, I caught up with Eli, my ex colleague from Fingers Furniture. This is the store that I worked at in Houston. Seven years there. And like all work place, there were politics as well as lot of silly fun. U wiped out the bad stuffs, the days that u dragged to work and hoping to go home early. U only remember those funny and heartwarming moments. Like the Thanksgiving dinner where we had pot luck; everyone bring in a dish. And Fingers being a melting pot of the United Nations, u really have variety. That's where I got my secret recipes for my now famous green bean casserole.
Eli even reminded me of a trip that a few of us took to Vegas. I almost forgotten about that! He still had fotos from that trip but since it wasn't digital then, he had to scan it to send it over. And if he does send over, i will post it!
So Facebook, facebook on the screen, who will be the next good old friends that I will find?


unowholah said…
yes, I still have that GTI pic. parade shot.Looks like he puts o weight.

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