Cessna SkyHawk

Today I was given a joy ride on a Cessna Skyhawk. Pilot - my dear Bezner! Isn't that wonderful? I am lost for words to describe this heady experience. So here's some of the photos. I have more in the facebook. IN fact, I'm uploading the take off and the landing videos and will put it up when it's done. But for now, share my experience.... Bez should have more to say in his blog.
The complicated cockpit....lol and yes, got to check the map. Actually we only did that after we land.
Getting ready to go on board. Seems a bit small from the outside.

Flying instructor, Dashan
Castle Green
We are snug in the backseat
Our pilot

This number can buy 4D

The runway in Seletar Airport

Taking off from Seletar

Touch Down!


Rachael said…
Waaaaaa!!!!!!!!! This looks amazing!!!!
shirin said…
Nice! Glad to see lots of photos and videos on a cessna did u guys have a good time did it hurt your bum when u landed..hee
Jazz it Up said…
umm, actually very smooth landing.
reasons i fall sick had got nothing to do with flight.. lol.

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