My very own "IKE" here in PUnggol!
I've just sent my good for nothing Dalima back to the agency. It really take tons of patience to keep her for 2 months. Kept telling myself, give her a chance. Afterall she is supposed to be an experience maid that had worked in HOngKOng and Taiwan. For how long, i really don't know. I had never thought of checking her passport; but she let out herself that she don't know why she always got sent back before term.
Well I know why. She is one of my laziest maid ever! Slept till 8am or later; taking naps and always complaint about pains and aches. She is constantly "busy". So busy that we don't even dare to ask her to do any other things. She kept complaining that my house is too big. Hello, have she been in a 3 storey terrace house? I mean, everyone who knows me know that its only me and 2 grown boys and now my mum who is completely independent. She doesn't even need to cook lunch most of the time. And up to now, its me or my mum that cooked the dinner cos she is still at the "learning" stage.
Her constant "I forget" is outrageous. Once, she went downstair to buy groceriesl; came back after an hour (my shop is just downstair, 5 mins away), put away the grocery and then got all flustered cos she told me she left the oranges downstair. Then she rushed down to look for it. Meanwhile I went to the kitchen and found that she had actually placed the oranges away in the fruit bowl! She forgot that she put it away!
She would get tired of eating bread with peanut butter and jelly or kaya which is our regular breakfast staples, and would fried an egg herself. But yet with Wesley, she conveniently served him instant noodles for the entire week. Her own meal needed to be of varieties so that she don't get sick of it. I really don't mind what she eats. My maid sit on my dining table and has her meal with us. She eats what we eat. But at least in return, I expect her to be able to work.
Her constant "sorry I forgot" and "really really I did clean" is really getting on my nerves.
And oh yes, not to mention the amount of items that she had managed to break in these 2 months. Just to name a few; 3 of my pyrex dish covers, fountain adaptor (which she showed me how she yanked it from the power point), my fan cover, my bathrobe, clothes, shoe laces (brand new)....... oh yes my fruit platter which i just found in several pieces wrapped in old newspaper in a corner! NOt to mention she conveniently blamed it on whoever around instead of herself. Like the other day after the party, i found one of the shot glass broken. Before even i could say anything, she immediately said it was Warmi who broke it. Warmi had already left for home when the boys started playing Spin n Shot. She was speechless when I pointed that out.
Why did I put up with her for 2 months? Why did I even bothered to get Daisy, a neutral party to train her and pep talked her? I wanted so much to give her a chance. I am so sick and tired of changing maid, training maid etc....So I tolerated her.
Until last Friday I gave in. First I found her sleeping in the toilet at 830am! I had to wake her up, asked if she is ill, which she said no, just tired. She went to bed about 930pm the nite before.
I rest my case. Then about 20 mins later, me wanting to have at least a cheese sandwich before I go out, found her frying an egg for herself instead. Took deep yogi breath and control myself cos I told her just the nite before that I will try her out for another month.
No more appetite for breakfast, gave instruction to serve Wesley left over chicken with mashed potatoes and salad, which she did not. She forgot what i told her. Then the best part, she left to go out in my absence and for the upteenth time, forgot to lock the door!!!!!!!!
Well I know why. She is one of my laziest maid ever! Slept till 8am or later; taking naps and always complaint about pains and aches. She is constantly "busy". So busy that we don't even dare to ask her to do any other things. She kept complaining that my house is too big. Hello, have she been in a 3 storey terrace house? I mean, everyone who knows me know that its only me and 2 grown boys and now my mum who is completely independent. She doesn't even need to cook lunch most of the time. And up to now, its me or my mum that cooked the dinner cos she is still at the "learning" stage.
Her constant "I forget" is outrageous. Once, she went downstair to buy groceriesl; came back after an hour (my shop is just downstair, 5 mins away), put away the grocery and then got all flustered cos she told me she left the oranges downstair. Then she rushed down to look for it. Meanwhile I went to the kitchen and found that she had actually placed the oranges away in the fruit bowl! She forgot that she put it away!
She would get tired of eating bread with peanut butter and jelly or kaya which is our regular breakfast staples, and would fried an egg herself. But yet with Wesley, she conveniently served him instant noodles for the entire week. Her own meal needed to be of varieties so that she don't get sick of it. I really don't mind what she eats. My maid sit on my dining table and has her meal with us. She eats what we eat. But at least in return, I expect her to be able to work.
Her constant "sorry I forgot" and "really really I did clean" is really getting on my nerves.
And oh yes, not to mention the amount of items that she had managed to break in these 2 months. Just to name a few; 3 of my pyrex dish covers, fountain adaptor (which she showed me how she yanked it from the power point), my fan cover, my bathrobe, clothes, shoe laces (brand new)....... oh yes my fruit platter which i just found in several pieces wrapped in old newspaper in a corner! NOt to mention she conveniently blamed it on whoever around instead of herself. Like the other day after the party, i found one of the shot glass broken. Before even i could say anything, she immediately said it was Warmi who broke it. Warmi had already left for home when the boys started playing Spin n Shot. She was speechless when I pointed that out.
Why did I put up with her for 2 months? Why did I even bothered to get Daisy, a neutral party to train her and pep talked her? I wanted so much to give her a chance. I am so sick and tired of changing maid, training maid etc....So I tolerated her.
Until last Friday I gave in. First I found her sleeping in the toilet at 830am! I had to wake her up, asked if she is ill, which she said no, just tired. She went to bed about 930pm the nite before.
I rest my case. Then about 20 mins later, me wanting to have at least a cheese sandwich before I go out, found her frying an egg for herself instead. Took deep yogi breath and control myself cos I told her just the nite before that I will try her out for another month.
No more appetite for breakfast, gave instruction to serve Wesley left over chicken with mashed potatoes and salad, which she did not. She forgot what i told her. Then the best part, she left to go out in my absence and for the upteenth time, forgot to lock the door!!!!!!!!

My woes can go on... its a long list. Sure feel good to be able to let it out! Blogging is such good therapy!
Gosh... now i know WHY my mum insists doing housework on her own... Minus all these horrid experience... *pat pat* Take care ya...
Am sure your boys will learn at this point too... to be independent! :D
Well the good thing now is I know Bez is capable of ironing Wes's school uniform!