Sex & the City - Gold Class

Gold Class - that's the way to go man! It's like going on business class.
Great movie, great company and great experience. Thank you Rachael and Shirin for suggesting it. And Rachael, thank you so much for booking the tickets online.You know its such great fun to dress up for a movie. To feel so excited about a movie outing. Seems to lost that for a while. Isn't that what life is all about? I am so thankful to have girlfriends like you all to spice up my life. You are my Spice Girls!I really enjoyed it. Though I have to agree with Daisy, the next time around I will rather go easy on the dining cos the service disrupted the movie. And it's such a shame that they got Shirin's order mixed up and here we are, Daisy and me wondering why our platter is so humongous. HOw silly of us
That aside, the movie itself is really entertaining. You have to know the series to enjoy it. Wonder if they will do a sequel or maybe a Desperate Housewives movie?

Comments said…
Hi Jann! I totally agree that the show is really entertaining - the lovely dresses,jokes.. & some scenes are rather touching - to see that the girls got really upset for their gf & spent time off to acc poor Carrie when she's down, that's what friends are for!
I've enjoyed myself hanging out with u gals too. Love to catch up with ya'll again soon! Cya! *Huggs*

Jazz it Up said…
Yes, especially so when Carrie made her way to Miranda in the middle of the nite. And it's to Chinatown, a tough neighbourhood too.
Jaslyn said…
Though i haven't watch the serials of SATC, i find the movie rather interesting. haha..

I can't help oogling on the clothes that Carrie and her friends wore.

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