GREAT Singapore Sale

Great Singapore Sale! It's a sin not to indulge.. See what i got today..
Daisy will love this pink dress. And guess what, it's only $10!
And this top for only $12. I love Singapore :-)
And Jaslyn, i went back to get this shoe. Got a size bigger so it does not hurt this time.
Now I'm ready for Sex & the City.


Jaslyn said…

Tell me where did you get those STEALS for clothes?!

I must look for do some shopping.. for work clothes.. Not boring work clothes though... :)

O... the shoes... hahaha...
Jazz it Up said…
The same place where we were the other day, Marina, but upstairs. You know those little shops near the bowling alley level. Was with Bez and Wes the other day and they so patiently waited for me to try them on :-)
Yeah, i finally got the shoes but have not got a chance to wear them yet.

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