Long lapse between blogs. That's the problem with having facebook.
With emails, we don't write to each other anymore. We sent egreeting cards. Singpost had also cut back on the pick up of snail mails. With sms, we don't talk anymore. We sms each other, coining new sms words that will give Webster a heart attack.
Now with FB, we don't even need to meet up to keep in touch. We can share photos with friends near and far. Found long lost friends and even make new friends. Keep up with each other's going and coming...
Too much info, too much transparency. Good or bad?
Like the other day, I posted "pilates & yoga" on my wall. For my inner circle of friends, they will know that it means that that's where they can find me and join me for the classes and maybe have lunch together after that. For someone who don't know, they can simply ignore it.
But no, I have a "friend" who got so offended that he had to leave me a nasty message on my inbox accusing me of misusing my fb's wall! He found those postings disturbing, childish and annoying. .Why? All he has to do was to remove me from his friend's list then he would not have to read my postings. Why must this person be so petty and rude?
FB is not for people who have lots to hide. Who guard their privacy. That's fine. That's personal choice that should be respected. They have a choice not to be in.
Well, I did him the favor. A simple click and he is gone :p
Confrontation is always disturbing, even e-confrontation. I have to admit that it affects me. I don't like it a single bit.
But oh well, the Tiger is here. It's a new lunar year and I think from now on, I will channel my mode of keeping abreast with friends and family via my blog instead of FB.


D@isy said…
haha...hope someone annoying is reading your blog update :)
Rachael said…
He he, looks like you are getting in with the latest trend - to "unfriend":

unfriend – verb – To remove someone as a ‘friend’ on a social networking site such as Facebook.

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