Lo Hei - a must for Chinese New Year

"Lo Hei", a must have with friends and relatives during Chinese New Year's gatherings... . Slivers of fresh raw fish, usually salmon slices are tossed together with thinly shredded carrots, daikons, turnips, crispy corn flakes, sesame seeds and a sweet & tangy dressings, all of which to welcome a prosperous year ahead. And yes, the higher the toss the better and of course must accompanied with "HUAt AH!"
My Fengshui's kakis. Out of all the 84 students from the 39th intake of Basic Science of Fengshui, our little group managed to meet up once every month to pursue our interest, this is affinity worth celebrating!
"Fish" gelatin from Taka. Interesting textures and not too sweet. Yummy!


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