Reunion Dinner 1 @ Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant

Reunion Dinner, round 1. Round 2 will be next week.
This year we joined the crowds of many and decided to eat out instead of cooking in. Not a bad idea considering not having to do the massive grocery shopping, prepare the dishes and then the washing. Thou of course by now i hear all the boos and ahs saying "yeah right, u wash up; u mean your maid's wash up" But hey, I really would have done all the cooking since these maids cannot cook ...Well round 2 will be at home with my own kiddos and Victor n partner since he cannot join us tonight.
The Matriach with her Grandsons
Isn't it obvious who is her favorite :-)
Boys horsing around and doing some pretty obscene stuffs.... they don't need alcohol to do that

Sister's power?
Mum and her grandchildren...can Alex photoshop Victor into the picture?

Spinach... the one at INternational Seafood is better.
Fish with Black bean sauce
Yu sheng - a must have.. the first of many..."Huat ah!"
Super garlicky Lobster, pretty tasty except maybe can tone down on the garlic. U don't want to smell our breathe after that.
The Choy's
Pizza cones for the little ones
Our radiant mum to be


unowholah said…
WOW, miss the celebration over there ! Cheers !

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