Day One - Tokyo/Hakone here we come...

Bling Trios plus One in Tokyo!
Yes, our first trip with Shirin and she is fun, fun, fun!
Mum, Daisy and myself took the night flight on 6th April. And yes, SQ from the brand new T3. Its hugh! I mean u don't just take a sky train from terminal to terminal. Here, you even take the sky train to your boarding gate cos it's too far to walk. And of course shopping started right after check in! Here's mummy looking after our bags while we shopped..,..
Shirin met us there the next day. And Steven, you guess it so right, she decided to join us after hearing about our trip but could not get a seat on the same flight. You so smart.
Flight delayed and long queue in custom. Took us over 2 hours to get thru..
But was great to have your personal limo waiting outside when u get out.
And pardon this first time blogger, never thought of taking photos of the pickup and Hotel Grand Palace. See now I know why Shirin is taking photos all the time. Well, but at least I've photos of the brunch we have across the hotel.
Shrimp Macaroni AuGratin Udon and Chicken Don set Japanese Pork Curry
After lunch, we are ready for the cherry blossoms....

Me n mummy.... Daisy n mum... n jus 4 u, Alex, kawai school girls :pMummy tired again....Luckily for Daisy's portable chairAnd here comes our personal camera woman!And once again, Mummy got to sit while we shop :-)
Konbanwa... here's our first nite in Tokyo


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