I'm Back!

Wow, we were without internet connection for 5 fully days! Finally got connected this morning. Felt so lost... so much to catch up, so much to share...
First I'm now in my new abode. Moved in last Wednesday and still not done unpacking. New maid is not of much help. She doesn't know my stuffs and I need to be around to supervise all. Apart from that, there are several teething problems. But I'm sure those will be taken care of. But most ironically, my sofa and curtains are still not ready! How true the saying; cobbler's son have no shoes :-)
But hey, we have fun too. Went to see We Will Rock YOu, the Musical by Queen and Ben Elton. It was simply awesome! Storyline based on year 2350 where Rock music are banned and kids rebel against GlobalSoft Corp which control thier lives. Hilarious and great dancing. Really got everyone on the feet. Highly recommended. Now Bez wants to get the Queen's album.


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