Time flies and we are almost to mid 2010 already..
With facebook, this site been ignored. Maybe one day when something "major" disrupt facebook, I will be back to blogging with a vengeance.
But for now, here's some of what've been going on...So happy that I managed to gather the gang into doing something healthy for a change ;p We all, including Bezner, took part in the 6km Earth Run for Water. It was 6km because that's how far some natives have to walk to get water. I am not sure if any of us runners actually become more conscious of the water we used but at least we all had a good work out. What more, now apparently Dom is back into his running routine and has even entice Alvin to start running. Maybe we can get Alan & Frenchie to run next!

Well, we have beeen promoted to the Greens. I've this nightmare that I will never make past the first hole and will be stuck sinking balls into the pond nearby ;p But here we are... not bad for 3 virgin golfers.. Our instructor called us his "Angels" and had since change his name to "Charlie"..lolzFancy a bite into this mega pizza? No kidding, lots bigger than my face and no, I didn't finished it all. 3 of us did. It's absolutely yummy!


Unknown said…
Wow what a busy life you lead, just like my family at http://www.huntervalleyhampers.com.au/ and our family blog at http://merewether-life.blogspot.com for a simlar busy, family friendly lifestyle.

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