Know your blessings

Yea, i know, it's cliche but there are moments in your life that you encountered something that make u realised, hey I am very lucky. So lucky that u need to shout out to the world and tell everyone that u are so bless! Followed by an amen perhaps :-)
I have that moment this morning. I witnessed first hand how rude a teenage girl was to her mum. And what more, in front of a stranger; me.
I cannot mentioned name here, not that they will read the blog but still it's not nice. But it was at a client's place.
It's common to have teenagers sleeping late on a weekend. "Was up all nite," according to the mum. Well mine does that too, so its nothing new. But unfortunately the mum had an appt with me to do some curtains. I need to get into the bedrooms to measure the windows. Not really convenient when they are sleeping in there. Mummy was really apologetic. So after checking to be sure that her children were awake, we got in to each of their room to measure.
One of the boy slept thru the whole time so that's ok. The next room belongs to the girl. Man! Here i am always nagging at my boy's room being messy. It's pristine in comparison. How can a girl's room be so messy? It's like a minefield! You have to watch your step! Well house is under renovation so maybe she is in the midst of organising. I hope so.
Maybe that's the reason why she is not even sleeping in her own room. INstead we found her sleeping on the floor in her brother's room.
Now she is sleeping right by the window. So needless to say it was a challenge trying to measure that window without tripping over her and the mess around. And did she get out of the way? Of course not. Instead she whined and grumbled. When asked to look at some samples for her curtains, she rudely told the mum off... All these in front of me, a stranger.
Poor mum. Of course I can't judge. I am not there all the time. Maybe we caught her at the wrong time of the month.. afterall her sleep was being interrupted. Maybe this or maybe that.
But maybe I am one of the lucky one who have boys that would not treat me that way.
I know I am blessed! Many a time friends who had met mine or Daisy's boys told us that our boys are very well behaved even though they are mischievious. Even corrupted, lolz... and I thought that they are being polite to say so. But now I think they are so correct. OUr boys are Great!


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