Moon Cake Celebration with Thong Kheng Home
Tonite is really an eye opener. Not just for the boys, but for me too. Yes, I had over the years volunteered in several events; like ushering in a concert, selling trinkets in a carnival to raise funds or the monthly food rations. But never a visit to the Home. Never a real interaction with the residents.
Photos of the residents are not allowed. So I can only relate to you some of these interesting characters we met there tonite.
Thong Kheng is a home for our less privilege, mentally challenged individuals. There are about 60 of them, both male and female, age ranging from 20s to probably 70plus. The objective of our visit tonite is to spend some quality time celebrating the Moon Cake Festival with them. Give them a nite that is out of their regular routine and hopefully a nite that they too can enjoy and talked about for a while.
We helped them made lanterns. Residents were given white paper plates to draw and color on. It's like trying to guide some pre school kids coloring..they drew all over. But some of them could even write their names on the plate. Of course not all them are willing to participate. We have one that for every few minutes, would put down what she is drawing and raise both hands to shout "Champion!". And then there's is this one old man, probably in his 60s, that would for the whole time lied on a corner, scratching his balls! Then there's this other young man that for the entire nite, try to stuff his whole hand into his mouth, like trying to ply open his own mouth. It is quite scary. Some simply sit and stare. We need to coax them and cheer them on.
Nevertheless at the end of about 2 hours, 40 over lanterns materialised.
After dinner, it's karaoke time! Man they love it! Never mind what was being sung, never mind that none got the right tune; it's Party time! They clapped and cheered. They even stood up to jiggle. It was hilarious. At the climax, a few of them even went on stage to sing and we volunteers became back up dancers, swaying and cheering them on. Oh and then in the midst of all, this "Champion" character just grabbed the mic, went on stage and started singing Happy Birthday! It was really great to see them enjoying themselves and giggling away. They were so happy!
Next was human floosball. But for this item it seems that the volunteer was having more fun than them.
Finale was a walk around the block with their handmade lantern.
This we did not get to participate cos the 3 of us, along with a few others stayed behind to prepare the snacks for them.
By the time they got back from their walk, they were really tired out. So soon after snacks, it's bed time for them.
I do hope that it will be a memorable nite for them. For me, it is.
Photos of the residents are not allowed. So I can only relate to you some of these interesting characters we met there tonite.
Thong Kheng is a home for our less privilege, mentally challenged individuals. There are about 60 of them, both male and female, age ranging from 20s to probably 70plus. The objective of our visit tonite is to spend some quality time celebrating the Moon Cake Festival with them. Give them a nite that is out of their regular routine and hopefully a nite that they too can enjoy and talked about for a while.
We helped them made lanterns. Residents were given white paper plates to draw and color on. It's like trying to guide some pre school kids coloring..they drew all over. But some of them could even write their names on the plate. Of course not all them are willing to participate. We have one that for every few minutes, would put down what she is drawing and raise both hands to shout "Champion!". And then there's is this one old man, probably in his 60s, that would for the whole time lied on a corner, scratching his balls! Then there's this other young man that for the entire nite, try to stuff his whole hand into his mouth, like trying to ply open his own mouth. It is quite scary. Some simply sit and stare. We need to coax them and cheer them on.
Nevertheless at the end of about 2 hours, 40 over lanterns materialised.
After dinner, it's karaoke time! Man they love it! Never mind what was being sung, never mind that none got the right tune; it's Party time! They clapped and cheered. They even stood up to jiggle. It was hilarious. At the climax, a few of them even went on stage to sing and we volunteers became back up dancers, swaying and cheering them on. Oh and then in the midst of all, this "Champion" character just grabbed the mic, went on stage and started singing Happy Birthday! It was really great to see them enjoying themselves and giggling away. They were so happy!
Next was human floosball. But for this item it seems that the volunteer was having more fun than them.
Finale was a walk around the block with their handmade lantern.
This we did not get to participate cos the 3 of us, along with a few others stayed behind to prepare the snacks for them.
By the time they got back from their walk, they were really tired out. So soon after snacks, it's bed time for them.
I do hope that it will be a memorable nite for them. For me, it is.
