Yeah it works again! !
The past weeks had been terrible. I could not upload any photos to my blog. Pictures say a thousand words. Never a great writer, i depends on my fotos to enhance my blog.
So needless to say, I had been on ends trying to find a solution to solve this problem. NOt that I am any good in solving it too.. hahahaa. . even Wesley is dumbfounded.
But since I wasn't the only one not being able to do so, its definitely not my blonde moment. So i just sat back n wait for Blogger to solve the problem. Anyway, in the meantime we have Facebook. Thank you Facebook! kept me sane ;p
Just goes to say, sometime we really need to sit back and relax... let's nature takes it own course.

So what've been happening the past weeks?
Lots and lots....the infamous Disco Drag/Divas Party in celebration of Dom's birthday; and of course before that my DIY's Tie Dye & Add your own Blings Blings project. Fotos are already in facebook so not doing repetition here.

But look out for what's coming. I stumbled across this awesome recipe for Schweinshaxe (haha try pronouncing it!) It's a German recipe for pork knuckles. You need to marinate that damn knuckles for 7 days; Marinade is a combination of several spices and most important BEER! You can substitute with Vodka. Actually Steve suggested both.
Sounds absolutely potent. Bought the knuckles just need to work the calender and count back when i should start dunking that knuckle in alcohol and have a feast with my dear friends. Thinking of a German Brunch with sauekraut, sausages & pan fried potatoes and such... Alvin & Dom, bring your own German beer. We want free flow :-)


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