It all started with this little orange culprit. Actually come to think of it, no, not this bag. It was the recent brunch I went to with Shirin. Fell in love with her little red sling bag and had since been on a mission looking for a sling bag.

Thanks to Shirin, we found this little patent sling at Jalan Haji.

Then when i showed mummy, she got excited too.. She has lots of slings. And within the next 10 mins, she dugged out all her carefully stowed away treasures. Guess bag collections is hereditary... So not my fault for buying all those bags right?

This little purse comes with a sling too.

This is kind of cool.

Clutches for evening out.. can't go clubbing with these though, no slings

This alligator skins slings.

Look like i need another coat rack for my bag collections.. and remember it's hereditary, not my fault ;-p