Gee TGIF, the week is over! Yes! Hallelujah! Have never work so hard for so long... Had it too easy for too long. I am not complaining. I cannot complain cos hey, moolah is rolling in... but this girl need a break! I am tired! I was down with flu! I did not have time for yoga and run!
BUt hey, TGIF, i am now relaxed.. totally; just down 3 glasses of white wine... ooh..blissful! hahahaaa N roast chicken n roast potatoes are in the oven.... tomato soup in the boil....
And what's next on the agenda? The weekends are full... party till i drop tomorrow. Brunch on Sunday.... kind of like it.. just the way to laze away the Sunday.. and then Monday comes early. Gotta meet the old tenant and receive the handover of the rental flat. Time to arrange for a good clean up and look for new tenant for the Serangoon's flat., The woes of landlord. But worse, I am not the landlord; but the acting! Money don't go to my pocket! But what to do,; it's blood....gotta do it for Albert.
finally dinner with my boys... yeah... it's going to be awesome...want photos?
Yea, will take some photos later...hey what the heck.... i always said; blog is for me to look back in old age... hahahhahah
oh tis time around, the tomato soup kick ass! love it!