Been a while since updating this blog.. guess with Facebook, it's kind of a duplicating. But this is different.. I get to bitch here :-) Not that there is anything to bitch about lately... Actually feeling really bless that life is great.
Just got back from a 3 days Spa Retreat @ Batam Harris. No specified itinerary but massage, massage and more massage. So much so that I feel like a retard when I got back! Shouldn't I feel refresh? So idyllic, so pampered that I need a kick start to get back to work! Lolz... we are booked for another 3 days session next month. This time round with the boys. Will definitely be doing more of the water sports than. Massage will be more shiok after the sun :-)
Oh yes, Valentine's day yesterday. A day for retailer to capitalise on the "need to spend" consumers. So even thou I do not have a Valentine to celebrate with, I get to be on the other side of the fence this time. So happen that this year the annual Singapore American School County Fair was held yesterday, Valentine's day. A good day for me to clear the heart shaped cushions and the heart shape salt n pepper shakers. My tagline - Spice up your Valentine with some pepper n salt. Heehee, u should listened to some of the comments that I got back. .. this mid life crisis guy telling me that no amount of spices could spice up his valentine! How pathethic. And the teenage boys that bought my heart shaped cushions. They looked so bashful. So cute. It's like I need a bag to hide this cushion.....
Just like my Bezner. It's his first Valentine with Marion too. I was out since morning but Wesley told me that he actually got up early to buy sushi and then went over to Daisy to borrow a picnic mat. Got teased by his cousins. He then packed all the goodies in his guitar's case. How innovative! A picnic in Marina. A good choice with limited pocket money :-) He did asked me for a bottle of wine thou. But hey, underage drinking outside. NO! Instead he bought a bottle of apple cider. Good substitute. Only hitch, he complained that it's a long ride sending her home. Heehee, told him, next girlfriend find some one nearer.... Jurong very far la... Hahahaa Marion, don't kill me when u see this. Send me some fotos so I can blog it.
My Clearance booth in SAS County Fair.
Brayden, our little Angel n adorable when asleep and in good mood. A little monster when he don't get his way :-)
Er, this is suppose to show Daisy the cabana, not me in towel!
Ulu ulu townI think he is the first 2 years old who actually insisted on wanting to get a set of basketball jersey when we were at the Nagoya Mall..... my Wesley don't even care what he wears except that it is not in any girly color..... the older the better. More comfy.


Marion Tan said…
Hahahahaha! I know Jurong is so unbearably far!
I'll send you the pictures as soon I can put them in my computer (:
Did you cut bangs!!! :D

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