
Showing posts from May, 2008

Full House

Ema's hotel is fully occupied. Running a full house! Meal time is a noisy affair. And tomorrow morning, i plan to have a buffet table lay out for breakfast. Just like Club Med!

Exploring Punggol Estate

I was all set to go for combat yoga and bootcamp this evening. But after being home since 2pm, i really dread driving all the way back to town. What more with the rising cost of petrol, it's really silly to go all the way for the class. Compared to Yio Chu Kang, this new place at Punggol is really way out. I really must have my gym bag in the car all the time and drop by whenever I have a chance between appointments. So instead of missing out on a good workout and then feel grouchy all nite, I decided to put on my running shoes and explore the neighbourhood. Of course I miss my Bishan Park and Esplanade. But this is not too bad. Even though there is no Singapore river besides and no greenery like in the park, there is still a good acre around. Its unchartered territory. Blocks and blocks of open field ready for future development. It will be even better when the waterway is ready. But of course that will still be a few years away. So all in all, I managed to run for 35 mi...

Mammogram ambassador?

Hmm, seems that I'm doing my part as a Mammogram Ambassador. Posted my pink calendar yesterday and got a comment from ServeNation. I visited the site and had even added the link to my blog. ServeNation is a non profit organisation that help fund free mammograms for women who could not otherwise afford them. Just a link may not be of great help, but hey at least I try.

my PInk Calendar

SEriously, I pick this calender cos the pink ribbon on top left hand corner matches my pink wall and pink keyboard. REally, I mean it. Trust me. And what more, pink ribbon is in support of breast cancer charities; and u all know thanks to my dear sister, Daisy, I am the poster girl for mammogram :-)

Yeah Back to gym!

So so so happy that i managed to run for an hour today. I only covered 7.5km but hey, who's competing. I still did it! Had the gym bag in the car. Planned on going since appointment is so near to Great World. And then at about 11 plus Jaslyn smsed to say that she did 2 classes! Great achievement Jaslyn :-) With that call, I no longer have any more excuses for myself. I have to make it. It seems that we are so so lay back this year. I think except for Shirin, we have all been slacking. So I think motivation is good... Thank you Jaslyn. Daisy and Alex are now so busy moving boxes. That's work out too ;-p But really, why are we so easily please? Should we aim for higher target? Like maybe rock climb in the gym or better still the full marathon? I really hope to do it. But yet, i don't think i am ready yet. Maybe another half but full! Goodness gracious! thats across our little island. May be little island but to run across is not that little!
Had been looking for a good rest. Have it now, but yet at a complete lost. Well cannot go to the gym and cannot work out cos of the rashes on my neck and arm. Have subsided quite a bit but still there. So just have to take it easy. Need to color my hair; have it trim and style a bit. But again, with the rashes on the neck it is not wise to do so now. Chemicals may make it worse. Still got several items to shop for the house. But again, being weekend, the mall will be swarmed. So not going to do that again. To think of driving all the way to IMM or to brave the crowd in Ikea! Excuses, excuses... but it's valid reasons isn't it? Aiya, what's wrong with ME!!!!!!!! So Lazy!

My little Handyman

I am so lucky to have a little handyman at home...Yes, my dear Wesley! It's him who set up all my computers, tv, dvd and surround sound system when we moved in. It's him that assembled the shoe rack, laundry cabinet and even Bez's swivel chair! All my Ikea's DIY project. And now its him again when i got this coat hanger from Ikea today. While he was busy at work, guess where his older brother is doing? And now that it is almost ready, he is here to help But Hey, we know who's the real Handyman at home! THANK YOU WESLEY :-) LOVE U WESLEY!

My Pink n Green Bedroom

LOLLIPOP PINK AND LIME GREEN. See Daisy's painting fits perfect here. Even my piggy cushion is of the same color scheme :-)

My humble home

Not quite pristine but hey getting there. Here's a glimpse of my humble abode. Quite a few little bits to tidy up. Quite a few items to buy. LIving room curtains not ready. Another chaise need to reupholster but still have not decided on the color. And to take these pictures, I've carefully avoid the sides where Daisy's ikea's purchase are stored. She is moving over in 2 weeks time. Actually less than 2 weeks. Next Saturday to be exact. Bought a clock today. Still in the box cos need someone to hang it up. There's another elephant clock in Molecules that i love but cannot think of where to put. Need extra wall! And yes, i want to create a cosy nook for my Harley's phone. I have in mind a very contemporary chair with a side table or some kind of a display stand for the phone. So can sit there and answer calls from my Harley ::-) Don't know where to put this wooden tray(on the floor) anymore. Not suitable for my new coffee table. Maybe a table clo...
Seems like i am subconciously finding excuses for not working out these days! First it was Japan's trip, then moving follow by ear problem. And now, when all is set and done and i really really want to get back to routine, my rashes! This is between my upper and lower arms. There are more on my neck. Heat rashes... it had been so hot the past few days and being on the road and going to dusty houses on renovation is not helping at all. Worse when i perspire. It stings. Got Rapaid Rash Relief Cream. Applied some and now hope it works. Really really need no more excuses for missing my runs.. getting flabby already.


I got Mother's day in advance. But that does not mean i won't feel sad that i don't even have a kiss or hug from my boys on this commercialised day as well :-( I know MOther's day is all hyped up these days, all the advertising and all the opportunities for commercial gains. I don't need presents or flowers from them. In fact, i think that's a waste of money since they have not even started work. But how about just a kiss? or a Hug? that don't cost anything? I had to ask for it; and for that i only got a hug from Wesley. Its really very disheartening....why do i have to prompt for it? shouldn't it be something from the heart?

Toy for Sale

Toys for Sale? Not quite; but just look at the amount of TOYS! My my my..... Thought my move was tough! So glad that mine is done with :-) Good luck Daisy n Alex!

My Harley

How u like my new Harley? Pretty cool eh? It vrooms with incoming call. The first day after I set it up, I called home when I was out and poor mummy was looking around to see where the bike was coming from! Heehheee

MY pink n Green

Love my PInk n Green! Found the bedroom slippers that matches my room. Bought 2 pairs and make my mum wear one of each too :-) Picture of my room coming soon

Another great cookout at Shirin's

Yes, defiinitely a great evening. Cosy with just the few of us and lots of yummy food. Pity Bez cannot make it; sign of a growing teenager, having his own social life. But really sweet of him to contribute his yummy Chile con Carne. And of course not forgetting Shirin's pizza and Rachel's special lasagne! We truly have a international spread. And Daisy's fried shrimp smelt so good in the car that we were so tempted to eat it right there! Especially so when we got lost on the way.
No Left turn and No Right turn. Road ends ahead. So I Stop as the sign indicates and took this picture :-)

Back to Gym

Wow I finally unpacked the last box from the move. Such a good feeling. EVery single items found its place in the house. Its like a complete spring cleaning. Highly recommended guys. So maybe once in a while u ought to think of moving! Heehhhee wonder how long my rascals will keep up with it without my constant nagging. Now its shopping time. Still need to get a rug, some more curtains and maybe another piece of don't know what furniture to fill up the empty space in the living room. And of course my curtains and sofa, my own specialty and yet not here yet! Cobbler's son got no shoes. And of course no more excuse for not going to the gym! Had my gym bag packed and ready in the car. Really really meant to go during lunch yesterday but Richard (the flying Dutchman that i met in Sunset) called and tempted me with sushi. How can i say no! So instead of burning off, i was there loading it all in :-( But hey, I'm determined. So after my last appt, i did make it to Great Wo...