Two nites ago we were invited to a Blog Party at Tosto. Now, don't get it mixed up with Toast, the other chain in town. That is so local and even though I've never try it myself, my picky son, Bezner, does not recommend it. And i tell you, he is picky. If it don't meet his standard; well... Now back to Tosto . This is a completely different story. It is located in T3 Changi Airport and T2 (both arrival halls). And isn't airport a fav location for locals? An Italian Cafe in Singapore Airport. You don't have to fly to Italy to enjoy authentic Italian expresso and sandwiches... that's the whole idea. I have never been to Italy yet. Will only be there next week, so can only tell you after that if Tosto really has an Italian ambience. But for now, let's concentrate on the most important winning factor - the food. We were given a crash course on Italian coffee; latte macchiato, expresso, arabica, robusto, la, all these vocab make me sound like an exper...